Arnault Chatelain

PhD candidate in Economics
Computational Social Scientist
Python enthusiast

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Programming Skills


I am mostly using Python for data collection, data cleaning, data analysis and data visualisation. Beyond the Python Standard Library, here are the main libraries and packages I have been using:

  • Data collection: requests, urllib3, BeautifulSoup for scrapping and parsing HTML files as well as several APIs (or pseudo-APIs) wrappers (spotipy, lyricsgenius, pytrends)
  • Data cleaning: pandas, numpy (mostly as part of pandas), scipy (for interpolation)
  • Data analysis: statsmodel, scikit-learn (followed the 36 hours MOOC)
  • Data visualisation: matplotlib, seaborn

I have also been using the following libraries and packages for specific tasks:

  • NLP: gensim, spacy
  • Language models: langchain, pytorch (mostly to fix GPU connections)
  • Data storage interactions: S3Fs
Other data analysis tools
  • R: Before switching to Python I used to work with the tidyverse mostly
  • Stata
  • SQL
  • Excel (I actually had 2 classes on Excel back in the days at HEC)
Dev tools
  • Git (basics: clone, add, push, pull, restore, diff, rm)
  • Anaconda (conda env, working on python locally)
  • Kubernetes (basics: connecting to a pod, launching a job)
Presentation tools
  • Latex
  • Powerpoint (I worked 6 months in Merger & Acquisitions, I had to know all the shortcuts...)
  • Basic HTML and CSS understanding
  • (I built this website with Jekyll and manually customized several elements of the template as well as wrote some parts in HTML)